Divorce can be an emotionally complicated process. Unlike any other breakup, you’ll have to make legal decisions that can affect you and your children for years to come. If you live in Florida and have decided that divorce is the best decision for you, here are some things you should know before you file.
Get your finances in order
It’s important to have a clear picture of where you are financially and where your finances are as a couple. One of the objectives of divorce is to ensure that property and assets are fairly distributed between the two parties. To increase the chances that you get the settlement you deserve, you should understand what your financial needs are before you file for divorce.
Determine which assets you own individually and which belong to both you and your spouse. This will let you know what to expect when it comes to dividing your inheritance, pension plans, family heirlooms, and bank accounts.
It is also important to note that no matter whose name your debts are in, the spouse who is more financially equipped to pay the debt may be required to take on more of the responsibility for repayment. Getting a copy of your credit report will let you know which debts you owe.
Decide if you will stay or go
Unless you’re in an unsafe situation at home, it is usually best to wait until the divorce is final before moving out of the marital home.
If you move out too soon, the judge could interpret this to mean that you have no interest in the property. If your spouse pays the mortgage throughout the divorce proceedings even if you move, the judge will consider this before making a ruling.
Be sure to keep documentation of all the bills you pay and financial obligations you maintain during the divorce proceedings so your ruling will be as fair as possible.