Financing Option
CareCredit is a simple way to consolidate and manage certain out-of-pocket healthcare expenses, because it is a credit card with a revolving line of credit that can be used repeatedly and for any family member. At our facility, we offer two basic payment plans to meet your financial needs:
• No Interest plan for 6 months*, applicable to all fees, that charges no interest when accountholders make their required minimum monthly payment and pay off the remaining balance within the promotional period. This is the most popular plan, with more than half of patients selecting this option. Cardholders get a No Interest* payment plan if paid in full within 6 months on purchases with the CareCredit card. Interest will be charged to the account from the purchase date if the promotional balance, including optional charges, is not paid in full within 6 months or if a late payment is made. Minimum payments are required and these vary depending on the financed amount.
*After the promotional period, if the balance is not paid in full the remaining balance will be subjected to an interest of 24.99%
• Extended Payment Plans for 24, 36, 48 or 60 months. These plans carry an interest rate (14.90%) that is more competitive than most bankcards and feature a fixed, monthly payment and a longer term.
Please visit the CareCredit website to read more about this financing option.